Ye, my wandering heart is dreaming of this.  I saw it on Kylie’s Ravelry page and just happen to have some yarn for a version for me but….

Here is what I have achieved over the past 24 hours:

Sam’s Sleeves:

Difficult to tell but I now have about 17cm of BOTH sleeves knitted – they need to be about 10″ or 26cm before I begin the decreases so still lots to go.


I have almost 1/2 a bobbin of spun fleece and about 2/3 of the flicked fibre so I have done a bit on that too.

We had visitors last night, kind of like family, and Jen came armed with knitting and gifts for the kids:

The pajamas have been a huge hit – Sophie tells me they are so much warmer than her other pajamas because these ones have fur inside!  Looks like I need to get myself a PJ pattern for future winters and make fleecy PJs.  You can also see at the edge of the photo a blanket – she made the kids one each and they are delighted.

It’s 13 degrees inside so I am off to pump up the fire… can’t wait for the house to be finished, it’s probably warmer in there without the fire and doors…